We will be having an OWLZ cleanup behind Hilltop School on Saturday, March 16th from 9:00am until 3:00pm. This would be a great opportunity to help Hilltop School and get some good exercise while learning about the ecosystem in your backyard! Dress appropriately for the weather and bring rakes and hedge clippers if possible. Any donations of plants, bulbs, flowers, shrubs, or trees are welcome. Food and drinks will be provided!
Met with two of the DPW guys at the project around 11:00am this morning. They chipped the pile of wood at the entrance to the OWLZ and trucked those chips down to the bottom of the hill. They also brought about half a dozen truckloads of wood chips into the area for volunteers to spread this weekend. We received a donation of stumps from a homeowner in Mendham Borough and they will be crucial in augmenting the current supply of seating. Mr. Robert Marold (principal emeritus of Hilltop Elementary School) and Andrew Grzanka assisted in moving these very large and heavy stumps over to the OWLZ site. Thank you Mendham Borough DPW, Mr. Marold, and Andrew for all of your help today! Potential Volunteers:
We will be working again on Saturday, April 28 and Sunday, April 29 to finish up the OWLZ! If you'd like to help out, bring shovels, rakes, and wheelbarrows on Saturday and Sunday from 8am to 4pm. Wear clothing appropriate to the weather and water (and snacks) will be provided. We will be spreading wood chips along the path and need as much help as possible! Thank you to all the volunteers who helped this weekend, you were all fantastic! Finally approved yesterday! Here is the letter sent to potential volunteers:
Troop 150: My Eagle Project has just been approved by the Mendham Borough Superintendent. On Saturday and Sunday, I will be at Hilltop Elementary School (12 Hilltop Road, Mendham) creating an "Outdoor Classroom" which will entail clearing a trail and several classroom areas. Who: Anyone that would like to help (and needs service hours) When: Saturday from 1pm to 6pm, Sunday from 8am to 4pm Even if it is raining, we will still be doing the project. However, if there is lightning in Mendham, the project will be postponed until further notice (for that day). If the project is not finished this weekend, next Saturday and Sunday will be work days (times TBD) Where: Hilltop Elementary School, 12 Hilltop Road, Mendham NJ Wear: Suitable clothing for the weather and since we will be clearing brush, long pants and long-sleeves are encouraged. There may also be ticks, so take appropriate precautions. Bring: Pruning shears, other cutting/trimming implements that are not electrically powered, work gloves Yes, there will be snacks. And water. Please RSVP with whether or not you can come! Thank you very much, James McManus |
July 2013
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